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 “You will never become better by simply remaining the same.

La Tanyua Thompson is an author, coach and motivational speaker who has been transforming lives for over twenty years. Her message is simple – healing is a process, but if you’re willing to do the work, you can overcome and thrive.

Primarily working with corporations and medical institutions, La Tanyua has proven that organizations can tackle their biggest challenges by focusing on individual transformation – empowering employees to realize their potential. Her focus on starting with the individual is an unconventional approach, but La Tanyua knew it was necessary after spending twenty-five years working on individual development in corporate and medical settings. During that time, she worked as a Medical Assistant, Human Resource representative, Recruiter Coordinator, Human Resource Compliance Analyst and a Disability Case Manager. In every role, she saw countless employees and patients dealing with depression and anxiety that affected their outcomes. What she did not see, was the companies or medical facilities offering transformative help. She was determined to develop a better approach and honed her unique tactics after working with the most inspiring coaches of our time – Brendon Burchard, Lisa Nichols, Jesse and Sharla Koren, Mark and Shannon Grainger, and Nicole Walters. Today, she has helped countless clients change their lives while improving their health and relationships. She intends to help thousands more do the same.

La Tanyua’s story did not always look like this. Her parents divorced before her first birthday, and she and her siblings lived with their mother. As a child, she was emotionally abused. She was regularly told, “You will never be anything. You’ll be just like your father. You’ll drop out of school and be pregnant by 16.” La Tanyua refused to believe her. She felt worthless and considered suicide on a regular basis. Eventually, she reached out to her father, but he was no better. He was mentally, emotionally, and financially abusive, aiming to use her for his gain.

La Tanyua realized her father would not change, so she changed their relationship – cutting off communication and moving on with her life. “Moving on” meant getting engaged to a man who would continue the pattern of abuse in

La Tanyua’s life – this time, it was physical. She survived all of this, and in some ways, it made her strong enough to survive the greatest pain she would ever endure.


After years of being denied love from those who should have loved her most, she found the love of her life – a man who respected, protected, and loved her, unconditionally. For more than half of their marriage, La Tanyua’s husband battled cancer. Often, he would tell his wife, “I love you enough that I would die for you.” At the time, La Tanyua didn’t understand how that sentence would change her life. It wasn’t until she watched her husband take his last breath that she was forced to take her first. She realized that every day before that moment, she was simply existing. Held back by the abusive voices in her head and the traumatic experiences of her childhood. When she lost her husband, La Tanyua began the journey to find her power. She became a patient for the first time and sought treatment for her anxiety and depression. She transformed her relationship with her mother, who in time, became one of her most loyal supporters. After years of hard work, she emerged with a true understanding of what it takes to heal and overcome.

Throughout her life, La Tanyua has triumphed over inconceivable challenges. But more than that she is a survivor, a healer, a motivator, and a success – she is a chooser. She chose not to let abuse stop her from finding her power. She chose not to let the pain of the past stop her from healing. She chose not to let a devastating loss stop her from embracing life’s greatest lesson. LaTanyua Thompson can say that she chose the purpose-driven, impactful life that she lives today. Her mission is to help others overcome and choose life too. That is how she plans to change the world. 




I smiled to myself as George begin to slow the car and pull into our driveway.  It had been a long day and I looked forward to a hot shower and some quiet time alone with him.  George grabbed a case of water and walked inside while and I carried additional bags from our shopping trip inside the house.  As I walked inside, I heard George calling for me. From the sound of his voice I knew something was wrong. I knew it was urgent and I would need to respond quickly.  I dropped everything I had in my hands and darted up the stairs. As I climbed the stairs my legs began to feel heavy with the dread of what I might find. Once I reached our bedroom, I found my husband of 6 years slumped over the bed holding his inhaler.  In a faint and weakened voice George said, “Call 911, I can’t breathe.”

The Countdown....

The next morning George was surround by family as we prepared to say our good-byes. We were instructed that a member of the medical team would count down from 10 to 1 and when they reached 1 the breathing machine would be turned off.  It was happening so fast, yet everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion.

We said our good-byes.

The countdown began, “10… 9… 8…”  My mind recalled the conversation with the nurse who lovingly took the time to tell me what was happening in detail. “7…6…” I thought about George, who in his last moments was more concerned for my well-being than his own survival.  He wanted me to be okay. It must have been difficult for him knowing I still had the belief that he would leave the hospital and return to our home. “5…4…” I remembered our eyes locked for the last time. The sound of his voice. My arms holding him.  Telling him I loved him. This was such a genuine moment. I had no idea it would be our last moment together. It was so pure. “3…2…” George never wanted anyone to have pity for him. He wanted everyone who was a part of his life to remember he was full of life!  “…1…” I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. “Babe, I will be okay” I said from my heart to his. Exhale.

My Pain, My Prayer and My Purpose!

The work God placed inside of me began when I did not understand how it all fit together.  It would be several years before I realized the magnitude of my journey. Long ago I was awakened out of my sleep.  I remember my mother’s voice asking where was my father’s inhaler. He could not breathe. I leapt out of bed along with my two siblings and began to search for it.  Unable to find it, my father finally gave my mother the okay to call 911. We were to get dressed and catch the bus to meet our parents at the hospital. The ambulance arrived a short time later and whisked my father away.  My mother rode along in the back with him. Before we could head toward the hospital my mother called to let us know not to come because she was on her way back home. We assumed it meant our father was okay. My mother arrived home by cab and informed us all that our father did not survive.  She left home a wife and returned a widow. I was seventeen. Seventeen years later, my husband was also rushed to the hospital by ambulance. He also could not breathe. I also left home a wife and returned a widow.


The Plan and Preparation

It was not a coincidence that my life had taken this road.  I was being prepared for the work God had for me to do. I hold the hearts and stories of the widow.  I guide and I listen. I understand that which is unfathomable for many to understand. I challenge thoughts and beliefs that are contrary to living an empowered life.  This compassionate work had been a part of God’s plan for my life from the beginning.

The Last Piece to the Puzzle

Relationships are multifaceted and metaphoric.  As I reflect on my journey, the essence of breath has been a key theme and woven through everything.  All that I experienced, from watching my mother move through the process of losing my father to going down a parallel road with my own husband, it was a part of God’s plan.  I now understand this at a deeper level. I think about my father and his use of an inhaler to ease his inability to breathe. I see my teenage self, using short erratic breaths as I frantically searched the house for his inhaler. I see my mother’s sigh of relief when my father allowed her to call for an ambulance.  I see myself as an adult celebrating the moments of my life. The breath of excitement, knowing I would soon become a bride. Intimate moments of closeness and laughter. Later, deep breaths, in moments of uncertainty. Remembering to exhale. Watching my husband struggle to breathe. The final moments when the breathing machine was switched off and life as I knew it was ending.  My husband took his last breath. I exhaled. It was an exhale like no other and I surrendered. I knew it was just me and God now. I knew God would never leave me and would comfort me in this time of sorrow. I trusted God had a plan and I would trust in Him to direct what happened next. I took my first breath.

In 2007, Driven By Destiny Companies was founded and now houses Empowered Widow, I Cherish Today, Next Level Living, and The Total Woman.

Connect With Me

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"La Tanyua is like a angel sent from heaven. I remember being so overwhelmed, frustrated and confused about how to bring my business full circle. Well 15 minutes on one phone call La Tanyua was able to break it all down for me with so much clarity. She is totally Amazing. Her skill set is unbelievably a gift from God. I know if and when I get stuck and need clarity there is only person I would ever contact and that’s La Tanyua Thompson"

—  Tamika Macheyle

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